Leaders become great because of their ability to empower others.
Join strategic advisor, coach and author Tyler Parris' Seattle-based peer group for executives. Apply now to claim one of the few remaining seats.
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Advisors, mentors, peers, and friends

Great leaders know that in order to keep growing, everyone on their team needs fresh insights, support, and trusted advice. In this collaborative and supportive peer mentoring group, Tyler Parris equips executives to grow into the best leaders they can be. From better communication and people skills to more efficient team meetings and proactive management.
Members bring their challenges and opportunities — both business and personal — to the group in monthly meetings. Applying a structured methodology, the group gets to the heart of the issue, and gives their input and guidance.
There’s a different focus every quarter, alternating between functional areas and best practice business processes. In addition, participants will take personal assessments to get an increased awareness of their leadership styles.
Members set goals, and share progress at meetings. They also meet regularly between meetings with fellow group members to stay focused, connected, and accountable. After all, what gets measured gets done.
1-1 mentoring
During onboarding, members meet monthly with Tyler to get clear on their goals and explore opportunities for their personal growth as leaders. After this period, they may opt to continue these 1-1 sessions on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Tyler Parris

Tyler has always had a passion for facilitative leadership. It’s not about being the expert, but thinking about the group or team’s objectives, designing the time to meet those objectives, and steering the group through the ideation then prioritizing ideas, to turn thinking into concrete plans. Before becoming a certified executive and leadership coach, Tyler built and managed teams in companies, nonprofits, and the US Marines. He has done extensive research and writing on the role of the corporate chief of staff.

Who can join?

A typical group member might describe themselves like this:
- I’m a senior team member of a for-profit business or nonprofit organization
- I want to continue to develop my business skills to prepare me to take on greater responsibility
- I’m willing to be open, vulnerable, and personal
- I’m a lifelong learner
How it works
How often do we meet?
Members meet once a month, and select future dates together. The first meeting each quarter is a full day in person. All other meetings are half days and virtual.
Where do we meet?
In person meetings will be hosted by Giant Leap at locations around the Seattle area. Virtual meetings will be via Zoom. Light food and refreshments will be provided.
What's on the agenda?
The program is designed as a two-year experience with 12 sessions per year. There’s more information about the learning focus areas below.
Is there any homework?
Members write a brief update and review learning materials before each meeting, and sometimes read a chapter from a book.
Learning focus
Each quarter will focus on a different topic area over the two years of this experience.
Year 1
Q1 – Developing emotional intelligence
Q2 – Finance and accounting
Q3 – Planning and reporting rhythms
Q4 – People management
Year 2
Q5 – Building a high-performance culture
Q6 – Sales and marketing
Q7 – Effective decision-making
Q8 – Operations and customer experience
Peer group fees are $675 per month, which includes all books, materials, assessments, speaker fees, and hosting of in-person meetings. Optional 1-1 mentoring with the group leader is available for an additional fee.
How to apply
Get in touch to find out more by filling out the form below.
We’ll reach out within 24 hours to schedule an introductory meeting.
Meet Tyler Parris to learn more about each other, find out how the group operates, hear about the upcoming learning focus, and ask any questions you have.
Attend an informal gathering with other prospective members via Zoom.