How to find your sweet spot

There’s a good chance you became an entrepreneur because you were especially good at (and loved doing) something. There’s also a good chance that instead of doing that thing you love to do, you’re bogged down in other responsibilities. After all, you’re the boss, and the boss must worry about everything.  Some…

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How many VPs can a small company have?

A person’s job title matters. A lot. It matters to the individual, to the business, and to the outside world. Job titles have value. They’re a type of currency. But where there’s currency, there’s the threat of inflation. And while inflated titles seem harmless, they can create confusion, credibility hits, and even…

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What COVID teaches us about crisis

Where was your business in the spring of 2020? By that time, mounting anxiety around the impact and longevity of COVID-19 was starting to set in. Most places were in some version of lockdown. All organizations were figuring out how to operate virtually. And many were wondering whether they would still be…

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COVID-19 Strategic Filter

I have a real-time view into the financial and strategic situation of about 50 companies in Canada and the US. This has been a tumultuous time for nearly all of them. Over the past two months of intense discussions, planning and adjusting, some common strategic themes have emerged. I’m calling this the…

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